

Why is my hurt shared by you so much?

I could never touch that which I had held.

Time has spelled the hidden word

So absurd I cannot grasp its name.

Oh, but the pain I have, you have found.

With so profound a wonder, you wish to keep

My hurt so deep upon your heart too.

Why do you bring a hurt you don’t deserve,

And have it curve to come back to you?

I never meant for my hurt

To become your pain.

This to no ones gain

Will ever resort.

My love for you lasts through infection,

And this direction is short to cure.

For it to be pure, I need you

To hurt no more.

For it causes me to hurt more

To know my sore has become yours.


I can’t stand to hurt you,

And that hurts more than anything else.

From my shell comes hurt I’ve hidden,

But it need not become your burden.