P.C.’s Underground Supplier of Little Poofy Body Wash Sponges

Isn't my family cute?

I would be the one with the glasses. And the lady here is my MOM, not my sister. She has a belly button. You can't see it in the picture, but its there.
Hi, my name is P.C., and I would like to welcome you to this page fully of worthless but very humorous ramblings by none other than myself. I often tell myself that MANY people check my site out. Just look at the counter. Ah, but the truth is that it was the home page of every computer in the computer lab at school here, and I checked it every day. It also helped that I duped all my friends to make it the home page of every computer in the computer labs the schools they attend. Boy! That counter jumped up there when I convinced small children on the street to go home and check out this address if I gave them all a small sucker that I had stolen from the bank teller counter.

If you are new to this site, you would probably like to get an image in your head of who this P.C. character is. Well guess what! You're in luck, because if you wish to, you can see pictures of me right here. You will notice pictures from here at school (Anderson University), and you will notice pictures from home (Muncie, IN).

Yes, I attend Anderson University, and I am involved in many things. I am a member of Novus Dux, which is a social club here at AU. I work for the Campus Activities Board of Anderson University. I am also a volunteer director for Youth for Christ, and as you can see, they haven't taught me how to spell.

So, I keep myself pretty busy. Last year, was a great year for me. As a sophomore at AU, I enjoyed many things, but there were many times I just needed to come back to the old dorm room and take a load off. Yes, last year was a great year for this because, I had the most awesome roommate one could ever hope for. I love the kid. Here are some awesome pictures from last year of a totally rad roommate. (That was a link to the page I created, dedicated completely to him.)

Oddly enough as this may sound, I actually do have a serious side to me. I must warn you, this is about the only part of me you will be able to find on this site that is truly serious. For about 6 years, I have enjoyed writing. I've written a couple short stories and a couple manifestos and songs, but I love to write poetry. I would love it if you read some of my poetry and responded to it, letting me know what you think of it. Below is a link directly to my poetry site.

P.C.'s Poetry

Alright, back to the funny stuff. Anyway, in the case that I like to write, I have also created a couple manifestos to live by. On that page, you will find the manifestos and a link to my thoughts on current events (completely new thoughts as of August 18).

Back in the years of college freshman, I would sit in my room on the fourth floor of the true MEN'S dorm, Smith Hall, and spend countless hours actually keeping this peice of trash up and going. It is only in my EXTREME boredom that I actually find the time to do so anymore. Well, in those years as a freshman, I created a fine addition to the site, which I couldn't bring myself to get rid of. Just for fun, I created a list of my favorite famous people. I could probably redo a lot of these now, but I don't think I will. On the other hand, when school isn't in session, boredom comes frequently. Anyway, if you're interested in seeing the list of my favorite famous people complete with pictures and bios, which I have written, then click here to see those.

Then, after you have read through all you wish to from my site, you are invited to check out my LINKS, which take you to some of my friends' sites and some of my favorite sites on the internet.

Well, that is a long rambling of contents for this site. When you are done looking, or even right now, I will BEG you to check out MY GUESTBOOK. But nonetheless, I thank you for visiting, and God Bless.
My Resume

"White Trash" is spelled
Novus Dux

Check out my NEW and IMPROVED GUESTBOOK!!!

My Guestbook

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Email: abnormalbigtoe@hotmail.com