It was a lonely night in my dorm and I needed a movie to pass my time. I went
next door to my good friend Steve's room. Steve has a whole slew of movies to choose from. I frantically search through his huge selection until a certain cover attracts my attention. There on the front is a picture of Julia Roberts, one of God's greatest creations. Wow, this looks like a good one. I take it and I pop it in. I am captivated through the whole movie.
Jules tries her hardest to get her best friend to fall in love with her instead of his fiancee. You find yourself stuck in your seat just waiting for him to make the obvious choice, JULES. The whole movie leads up to the last minute when he has to make a decision. Most of you know the ending. He chooses the fiancee.
WHAT?!! I was outraged. Not only was I watching this chick flick by myself, but also I watched the whole thing to become incredibly angry at the end. I hope that you might agree with me that My Best Friend's Wedding should have never been made.
Why is this movie so popular with an ending like that? It had such high ratings and there was so much attention to this movie. With all the media mention, naturally it wouldn't mention the disappointing ending. Why would they do that? They want you to pay the money, THEN get angry. That's what the media says of the movie. I asked a young lady why she was first attracted to see this movie, and she said, "because of the contest between the two girls. I wanted to see who got the guy." That's probably the main answer I would have received from any girl, right? So I asked a guy why he had first seen the movie, and he answered, "because Julia Roberts is so freaking hot."
Outside of the media and other views there are naturally going to be MY views, which can be narrowed down to physical and emotional subgroups. Shall we begin with the physically negative effects on the body?
When I viewed the movie, I sat in a chair with minimal comfort, especially when sat in for one hundred and five minutes straight. If I wasn't to incredibly comfortable in a chair throughout the movie, I can't imagine how anyone could sit through the whole thing in a small cramped theater chair.
Many people have viewed this movie in the presence of a "significant other". We have all watched a movie with a significant other, right? Sure, you're there in his or her arms, watching this movie "together", and you lie there with your arms and legs intertwined. You become extremely hot and sweaty where as the fact that air is not present between the two of you, because not even air can FIT between you. Your arms and legs begin to fall asleep because, he or she is laying on it, and you don't want to ask them to move because hey, you're "together". Perhaps I am merely missing the comfort in this whole situation.
You find yourself becoming so intrigued by the movie that you really must continue to watch it. As you continue, the several Dr. Peppers you drank previously have caught up with you. You really need to exuse yourself. If you are in the theater, you don't want to get up for you might miss something. If you are sitting in your room alone (like I was), you don't want to get up and walk AAAALLLLL the way to the VCR and push stop. Having never seen the movie before, you have no idea that it will be another hour before the wretched ending. You think its almost over, and you can hold it. Oh, but you are so wrong and you don't even realize it.
Some of the physical effects are relatively obvious, but they are the same for every movie. We must examine the emotional effects this movie in particular has on your heart and mind.
The movie's creators have evilly placed a beautiful woman on the screen to constantly attract most men to see this movie. It's rather clever on their part but emotionally disturbing to the male society. Sure, we all think that's all men want, but that's not always true. Most males will disagree with me, but we all know that we shouldn't crave after the flesh, and this movie flaunts in before us so diligently.
For those that are watching this movie with that "significant other", your emotional effects are raging. You watch in fascination, longing for your relationship to be like the one on the screen (that is before you see the end of course). If you are a hopeless romantic that has a secret crush on your best friend of many years, this movie can be extremely detrimental to you. You will longingly hope to remember everything Jules does in the movie, in hopes that if you duplicate it, it will work FOR YOU. Then when you try it, you get the same thing she does, rejection. You wonder why, because "it happened in the movie".
Everyone that watched the whole movie to the very end surely experienced some form of disappoinment. You put yourself through so much anxiety and intuitiveness to come to the end and become downhearted that the "good girl" didn't get the guy. The stress you placed yourself under is far too demanding than your mind should be allowed to encounter. You made yourself wait with undying hope for a miracle, and when the miracle never occurred, you were left hanging to regain composure from the movie. It doesn't seem to be a risk worth taking.
With all this of the negative effects the movie has, what are you supposed to do about it? There must be a solution.
From now on, when the movie is mentioned, you can voice the negative effects the movie has on a person. Hopefully after reading this, you can voice both the physically and emotionally negative effects the movie has. Though the movie has a great cast and wonderful plot leading up to the end, the blasted ending makes the whole movie void of common decency. Therefore, "My Best Friend's Wedding" should have never been made.