
They’re not always dynamic.
They don’t always blow our mind.
Miracles remind us that the unseen
Is not visible.
His Majesty has come to be seen.
We so often overlook it.
Yet, we still ask for more.
“So immune to awesomeness”,
We make the remarkable...regular.
The simple patter of rain on the window.
The several lives and backgrounds
Represented in this diner.
A baby’s monotonous cry
From lack of ability to speak coherently.
Laughter in spite of stress.
The blessings, which abound me.
Thoughts of friendships turned relationships,
Relationships turned to marriages.
All of these miracles around me
In only ten minutes time.
How many minutes a day,
Days in a week,
Weeks in a year,
Years in a life?
How many miracles then in all of this?
And how many do I overlook?