The Open Road
Riding down what we call "the open road"
never seemed near as fun as it does now.
Sure, we pretend to be annoyed.
We ARE pack in extremely tight for sure,
but who cares under the present circumstances?
When you're with friends, it never matters as much.
What's the difference? I want to know.
Nothing could be viewed as negative, really.
There's not much hostility. Nobody really cares.
The sun shines through tinted windows,
which kind of defeats their purpose.
The light pierces through the clouds
in rays proceeding straight to the ground.
Massive green signs with important information
fly by insignificant half the time.
Orange and white barrels zip past
about a foot or two from the freaking car.
Huge billboards create wrinkles in my brain,
giving me sporadic knowledge not needed.
The music is blasting inside or box,
and others listen to discmans
to satisfy their own respected tastes.
Glimmering "lights in the darkness" are in form
of large blue signs, which say, "REST STOP".
"Hey dude, stop up there."
"No, we're almost there, just hold it."
So, that's how the trip ends,
with a mad rush to the restroom.
I hope I'm the first one.
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