What is Pantsless Time?
Here on the fourth floor of Smith Hall at Anderson University, a couple
sparatic minds came together to start a wonderful nightly tradition. Every weeknight
at 10:47p.m. its "Pantsless Time". Its at 10:47p.m. on weeknights because on the
weekends, open house hours aren't over until 11, which is a great starting time for the weekends. One of those great minds was me, and
I tell this information so that this tradition my be spread to other schools. If
you are a college guy, you can...wait, why limit this great event to males? If you
are a collge STUDENT, try to start "Pantsless Time" at your college, on your floor,
and eventually your whole dormatory, and then maybe every dormatory on your
campus. "Pantsless Time" starts at 10:47p.m. on all non-openhouse nights. Those
that go to retarded Christian colleges with one Open House day in like a year
or something have an advantage. You can have "Pantsless Time" any night at 10:47p.m.
"Pantsless Time" allows for undergarments to be worn for those selfconscious individuals.
So voice your opinion and have "Pantsless Time" grow in popularity like wildfire. If you
have any questions email me at abnormalbigtoe@hotmail.com I will answer as many
questions as they come. As the dreamer I am, I wish to see "Pantsless Time" become
a dream come true. Thank you.
Email: abnormalbigtoe@hotmail.com