She walks in alone
There should be another
Shes beautiful as can be
Shes looking her best
To make an impression
On the white coated man to be
She sits in a room
All covered in white
Today's the day for her
She awaits his voice
To call her name
The sound makes her stomach churn
She hears aloud
Her name so proud
And he asks her to come with him
Her face turns pale
As white as can be
As he checks her off with his pen
They walk to his office
Also in white
He asks her to take a seat
"What can I do,
For you young lady,
I have a schedule to meet."
"Please take it sir,
I can handle it no more
Its too much pain to bare
He gave it to me
And then he left
And in that, he chose not to care."
The man accepts
The challenge before him
As he tells her to come back again
And she did
Do as he said
His schedule, she fit right in
And now its done
Its taken away
She worries about it no more
It perishes to white
Into God's light
And now it is with the Lord
"Only half the patients that go into an abortion clinic come out alive."
- unknown quote

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