Who is he

She cries to him in her mind
Of course she wishes he’d hear
All of her intentions remain sincere

He smashes her cries continually
It’s true, cries are smashed by ego and pride
She maintains those feelings impossible to hide

Her feelings are void to him
Regardless, he thrives upon her tears
He laughs at the emotions he once held dear

He rips her apart inside
He remains oblivious to her cries
To him, her tears remain first prize

She tries to face him though its hard
Again he merely smashes her under his feet
While he lets out his chuckle of glee

She continually goes back for more
A conversation with him is all she wants
Again oblivious while his ego he flaunts

Its enough to piss a friend off
To be torn between two close peers
And to be more pissed with the one of many years
