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Adi's Picture gallery

  Hi....welcome to Aditya's picture gallery. The pictures make take a while to download, so please be patient. I hope you enjoy touring the gallery.  


  Adi has always been a very playful baby. Within weeks he began to overturn the little mosquito net that I would so carefully place over him, when he slept. It really was a hindrance he could do without!!...

Watch him full of mischief in the picture below :::

At other times he could be a perfect angel !!! Here's another closeup of his

(Click on the picture for a blowup)

Baby Boy in Blue !

Adi first turned over when he was around two and a half months old. I still remeber the wonderment with which I watched him perform the feat. Having mastered the art, he would just refuse to remain on his back for long.

Adi in his favourite stance

Adi has a cute little rocking chair. I would perch him in it, when I first started spoon feeding him.However he soon learned to climb out of it. He can be seen below reclining lazily in it.

Like most babies, Adi loves to explore the ground. He is always fishing out the minutest of objects from the ground/floor. You can see him groping below :

Adi with his proud Mama

Enjoying the Comfort of Mama's lap

Bathtimes are real fun. Adi just loves splashing water all over and he literally refuses to leave his bath. Seen below playing with his bath toys.

With his favourite Soft toys