Annual General Body Meeting of the AeSI
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Annual General Body Meeting of the AeSI

It is proposed to hold the next Annual General Body meeting of the Bangalore Branch on the 16th May 1998 at the society premises. The programme is as follows:

  • 0930 Registration

  • 1000 Dr. VM Ghatge Memorial Lecture

  • 1045 Tea

  • 1145 Sri Seshasayee Memorial Lecture

  • 1145 Business Session
  • 1. Address by Chairman

  • 2. Report by Hon. Secretary

  • 3. Statement of Accounts by Hon Treasurer

  • 4. Executive Committee for 1998-99*

  • 1300 Lunch

  • Confirmation of attendance may please be intimated to reach the undersigned by the 1st May 1998 to enable arrangements.

    * The excutive commitee has proposed that the active memberes of the present committee (elected/nominated in April 1997) along with those proposed. Any suggestions in this regard may please be communicated to the Hon Secretary to reach before 4th April 1998.