Free Flight Seminar
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Free Flight Seminar


Unprecedented Air Traffic growth is a global phenomenon. The current forecast figured are 3.5% annual rate of growth for at least the next 15 years. The official figure for growth in India is substantially higher than the above global growth rate. It has started taking its toll on capacity, efficiency, and safety of air transportation all over the world.

If the recent mid air collision over Chakri Dhari near Delhi is a pointer to the shape of things to come, the future of aviation is scary to say the least. M/s Boeing has predicted a major accident every week by the year 2010. The compulsions of the prevailing circumstances have forced the major players in the field namely, regulatory bodies such as FAA, air carriers, US Department of Defence, Pilots and Air Traffic Controllers Unions. Business and General Aviation, Air Frame manufacturers, Academia, Research Organisations and Industry suppliers to have a fresh look at the way we manage Air Traffic. Free Flight is an emerging concept borne out of this thinking process which is under way. Free Flight is defined as a safe and efficient operation capability under Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) in which the operators have the freedom to select their path and speed in real time. Air traffic restrictions are imposed only to ensure separation to preclude exceeding aiport capacity, to prevent unauthorised flight through special air space and to ensure safety of flight. Restrictions are limited in extent and duration to correct the identified problems. Any activity which removes restrictions represents a move towards Free Flight

Opening up airspace - making free flight work

The seminar would provide a unique opportunity for all of the aviation community to be acquainted with the Free Flight concept, key technologies / implementation issues involved, flight safety and financial implications of implementation. There are rapid revolutionary changes taking place in Communications, Navigation, and Surveillance systems (CNS) as well as Air Traffic Management (ATM) systems. The venerable and moribund Instrument Landing System (ILS) is on the way out because of environmental encroaches from FM broadcasters. Microwave Landing Systems (MLS) is stillborn. The trend is very heavily biased towards the use of GPS for CNS/ATM, as well as for eliminating ATC for most part of the flight using free flight concept, where the pilot can fly choosing his own flight plan and can avoid collision by ATC-like display in the cockpit itself.

The most fundamental change free flight - is in the way aircraft are navigated and kept safely away from each other. This is about to occur globally. We in India should be acquainted with the changes about to occur, and prepare for a smooth changeover. In fact by being slow in adapting even ILS, we have an advantage. We have not invested heavily on any system. GPS Landing System (GLS), when the technology is proved, offers a cost-effective solution to CNS/ATM as well as free flight, which is the main theme of the seminar. However GLS and Free Flight concepts should be tried out and operationalised. There are problems to overcome - lack of integrity for using it as a safe and reliable nav/landing aid, holes in the globe, US/USSR dependence, proving the technology for free and safe flight. But, they will be overcome. The main benefit is much reduced ground support equipment, which alone is enough to take all the troubles to operationlise GLS and Free Flight.

The key technologies involved include amongst others:
1. GPS
2. Automatic Dependent Surviellance - Broadcast, ADS-B
3. Cockpit Display of Traffic Information - CDTI
4. Digital Terrain Database - DTB

The seminar will address the following relevant topics :
* Free Flight concept
* Key related technologies
* Equipment implications on board and ground
* Ensuring safe operations
* Co-ordination of international efforts
* Implementation and Operational issues (eg. pilot workload)
* Impact on ATC of frontierless Free Flight concepts and reduced role of ATC
* Related efforts in India:
FAN-Electronics Commision
ECIL / Pvt. Ind. / BEL / DGCA / AAi / Airlines
IAF / Navy

It is planned to include invited talks from international speakers who are in the thick of Free Flight. Invited talks from national speakers (policy makers, airline operators, Airport Authorities, Services HQs) are also planned.At the end of the day, it is hoped that a clear understanding of the issues involved as well as specific recommendations to the government would emerge.

Chief Convenor

Dr. S. Nagabhushana


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Registration fee : Rs 1500/- (150 US Dollars) by DD no. ............ dated ........... drawn in favour of the Convener, Free Flight Seminar (AeSI) payable at Bangalore is enclosed.

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Wg. Cdr (Retd) P K Raveendran
Free Flight Seminar
AeSI (Bangalore Branch)