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Golden Jubilee Seminar

The Aeronautical Society of India is commemorating its 50th year by organizing a Seminar and Exhibition. The theme of the seminar will be "CHALLENGES AND PERSPECTIVES IN AVIATION BEYOND THE YEARS 2000".

The Chairman of the Technical Committee invites you to share your thoughts by presenting a paper at the Seminar on the topics listed below:

  1. Infrastructure Development for Civil Aviation needs and resources.
  2. Economic & Commercial viability of Air Transport Operations.
  3. Navigation and Communication for the next century.
  4. Air Safety in congested skies and its management / open sky operations.
  5. HRD for aviation.
  6. Emerging technologies - operational challenges.
  7. Materials & Technologies of the next century.
  8. Modern Engine Developments.
  9. Maintenance Philosophies and Management.
  10. Information Technology as a tool to safer flying and effective maintenance.
  11. Proactive techniques to enhance safe flying.
  12. Policies & Strategies for Development, Quality Assurance & Monitoring.

The prospective authors are requested to submit a synopsis of their paper not exceeding 500 words latest by 15th October 1998, for consideration by the Technical Committee. The committee will intimate acceptance of papers by 15 Nov 98. The selected authors should submit their complete papers in camera ready copies (A4 size) and/or 3.5 inch floppy using WordStar 7 or MS-Office 97 versions, by 10 Dec 98 for publication and distribution to the delegates. The Society is organizing parallel technical sessions with 20 minutes slots for each presentation.The paper may be sent at the following address:

Wing Commander M R Dar

Co-ordinator, Golden Jubilee Celebrations

Aeronautical Society of India

13-B, I.P. Estate, New Delhi - 110 002



Book Display

It is also proposed to hold a display of books on Aerospace Technology by Indian Authors. Authors are invited to forward a copy of their titles at the above-mentioned address. Kindly intimate the number of books being sent and their titles.

We look forward to your fruitful participation. The format for the REPLY FORM is given below: