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Mail of the week - 15

Quote of the week:

     Naamirukkum naadunama dhenbadharindhom - idhu
     namakkae urimaiya menbadharindhom - indhap
     boomiyi levarkkumini adimaiseiyyom - pari
     poorananuk kaeyadimai seidhyvaazhvom.
  					-  Bharathiar

     [naam - we; irukkum - existing; naadu - country; arindhom - knew;
idhu - this; namakkae - for us; urimai - right; indha - this; boomi -
world; evarkkum - for anybody; adimai - slave; paripoorana(m) -
complete; seidhu - to make; vaazhvom - let us live]

     {We know that the country we live is ours and we own it. Let us be
slaves only to God Almighty and not to anybody in this world.]

Kural of the week:

     Nilathhuiyalbaan neerthirinthu attraagum maandharkku
     inathhiyalbathu aagum arivu.

     [Nilam - land; iyalbu - property; neer - water; thirinthu - become
bad; attragum - unusable; maandhar - man; inam - friends (and
surroundings); arivu - knowledge]

     {As the (color & other properties of) water is affected by the
land it is in, so also a man's knowledge depends on his friends and
companions around him.}

Do you know why ?

     A good old indian custom is - to get 'aasirvaadh(am)' or blessings
whenever you meet a elder or wise person, by touching their feet
(particularly their thumbs or big fingers on their feet).  But, most of
us may not be knowing the real reason behind this.

     Though you may or may not beleive - it is said that a part of their
Energy descends from their thumbs to the person doing so, thereby adding
more Energy to him.

     [Ofcourse, not my interpretation. Read somewhere. ]

Site of the week:

      For those who want to read daily news in Tamil, one of the good
Tamil dailies is at:


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Last updated: December 27, 1998.
Mail your comments to: Anbumani. S