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Mail of the week - 17

Quote of the week:

    Ullam perunkoil oonudam baalayam
    vallar piraanaarkku vaaygo puravasal
    thellath thelivaarkku jeevan sivalingam
    kallap pulanaindhum kaala manivilakkae.
    				- Thirumoolar (in 'Thirumantiram')

    [Ullam - heart; peru(m) - big; koil - sanctum sanctorum
(garphagriha); oon - flesh; udambu - body; aalayam - temple; vaay -
mouth; gopuram - tower; vaasal - entrance; thella - clear; thelivaar -
one who knows; jeevan - life; kalla(n) - thief; pula(n) - organs; aindhu
- five; manivilakku - lamp]

    [Body is a big temple and heart is where the Lord resides; for one
who has realised (Him), mouth is the entrance, life is an object to be
worshipped (Sivalinga) and all five organs are lamps in the temple.]

    {Tried my best to translate it. Not sure, if I succeeded. }

Kural of the week:

    Ookkam udaimai udaimai poruladaimai
    nilladhu neengi vidum.

    [Ookkam - enthusiasm; udaimai - possess; udaimai - wealth;
poruladaimai - monetary possession; nilladhu -  not permanent; neengi -
go away]

    [One who has enthusiasm has everything, as (worldly) wealth doesn't
stay long.]

Thought for the week:

    Always speak truth. Later, whatever you speak will become true.
      				[From 'Arthamulla Indhumadham'
				 by Kannadasan.]

    Never talk much (ie, more than needed). If you try to bring all your
words into action, then one day - you will find that whatever you speak,
takes its shape.

Site of the week:

    Have you ever thought - Are we alone in this Universe ??

    This week's site tries to answer this and explains about it. It is
the site of Search for Extraterrestial Intelligence(SETI)'s Institute.

       We must support friends even in their mistakes;
          however, it must be the friend
	and not the mistake we are supporting.
         					    - Gandhi

My other pages:

Last updated: December 27, 1998.
Mail your comments to: Anbumani. S