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Mail of the week - 34

Quote of the week:

      Naanethhanai budhhisonnaalum kaetkilai nannenjamae
      aenippadikettu uzhaluginraai? ini aedhumilla
      vaanathin meenukku vanthoondil ittavagaiyadhupol
      ponathhaimeela ninaikinranai, aennna puthhiyidhae.
      						-  Barathiar

      [Naan - I; ethhanai - how many; budhhi - advice; sonnaal - tell;
kaetkilai - not listening; nenjam - heart (mind, here); uzhal - toil;
ini - hereafter; aedhumilla - nothing; vaana(m) - sky; meen - fish;
thoondil - fishing rod; itta - lay; vagaiyadhupol - likewise; ponathh(u)
- lost; meela - get back; ninaikkinara - to think; aenna - what a; -
puthhi - sense]

      [How many times I have told you, my mind ? Why do you toil like
this - trying to catch the stars in the sky with a fishing rod ?
O! Poor mind, why are you thinking of getting back whatever you have
lost ?]

Kural of the week:

       Kaana muyaleidha ambinil yaanai
       pizhaithavael aendhal inidhu.

       [Kaana - forest; muyal - rabbit; eidha - shoot; amb(u) - arrow;
yaanai - elephant; pizhaitha - escaped; vael - spear; aendhal - to
possess; inidhu - better]

       [It is better to have a spear which missed an elephant than an
arrow which killed a rabbit.]

       {Moral - Better to aim high and loose than to aim low & win. }

Thought for the week:

       For him who has conquered the mind, the mind is the best of
friends; but for one who has failed to do so, his mind will remain the
greatest enemy.
        					- Bhagavad Gita (6:7)

Site of the week:

      Twelve Thirumurais are considered as the sacred texts.
Thirumandiram is tenth thirumurai. Read the scriptures at the site of
this week. Actually it has 3000 verses, of which only about 1/3 is

      "What's in a name ? That which we call a rose
         By any other name would smell as sweet."
       						- Shakespeare

My other pages:

Last updated: December 27, 1998.
Mail your comments to: Anbumani. S