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Mail of the week - 46

Quote of the week:

     Vannangal vaetrumai pattaal - adhil
       maanudar vaetrumai yillai.
     Ennangal seigaga lellaam - ingu
       yaavarkku monraenal kaaneer.
       			 - Bharathiar.

     [Vannagal - colours; vaetrumai - diversity; adhil - in that;
maanudar - human beings; yillai - no; ennangal - thoughts; seigagal -
deeds/actions; ingu - here; yaavarkkum - for everyone; onre(u) - one;
kaan - view]

     [Though the colors may vary, there isn't any diversity among
human beings; let us wish that everyone's thoughts and deeds are one
and the same.]

Kural of the week:

     Nanrikku viththaagum nallozhukkam theeyozhukkam
     enrum idumbai tharum.

     [Nanr(u)i - good; viththu - seed; aagum - becomes; nal - good;
ozhukkam - habit; thee - bad; enrum - ever; idumbai - trouble; tharum
- gives]

     [Good habits/manners give good results while bad habits ever give

Who am 'I' ?

     "A human body changes most of its atoms every few years.  Daily
one eats and inhales billions of new atoms, daily one excretes, sheds,
and breathes out billions of old ones.  Physically, my present body
has almost nothing in common with the body I had twenty years ago.
Since I feel that I am still the same person, it must be that "I" am
something other than the collection of atoms making up my body.  "I"
am not so much my atoms as I am the 'pattern' in which my atoms are
arranged.  Some of the atom patterns in my brain code up certain
memories; it is the continuity of these memories that gives me my
sense of personal identity. .......

     I find this insight a great comfort. Instead of thinking of
myself as a decaying bag of meat, I can think of myself as a part of
eternal spacetime.  Instead of identifying  myself with my specific
body pattern, I identify myself with the block universe as a whole.  I
am, as it were, an eye that the cosmos uses to look at itself.  The
Mind is not mine alone; the Mind is everywhere."
    - Rudy Rucker, The Fourth Dimension

     {This "Who am _I_ ?" has been a long-debated qn. even among the
great minds. This is only a different explanation - though may not be
satisfactory, can be a small step leading to the Ultimate answer.   - Anbu}

Site of the week:

     All about Einstein. 20th March is the 82nd anniversary of
the first full publication of Einstein's General Theory of Relativity.
The site of the week gives tonnes of info. on Einstein, his works &
everything abt. him.

        Let us so live, that when we come to die,
             even the undertaker will be sorry.
              				- Mark Twain

My other pages:

Last updated: December 27, 1998.
Mail your comments to: Anbumani. S