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Mail of the week - 48

Quote of the week:

    Vaazhvenavum thaazhvenavum irandaagap paesum
      vaiyagaththaar karpanaiyaam mayakkam aana
    paazhvalaiyaik kazhiththuudharich seyalpoay vaazhap
      paramae!nin aananthap paarvai engae ?
 					- Thaayumanavar

    [Vaazhvu - prosperity; thaazhvu - poverty; irand(u) - two; paesu(m)
- talking; vaiyagaththaar - people; karpanai - imagination; mayakkam -
confused/drowsy; paazh - worse; valai - net; kazhiththu - leaving; seyal
- action; poay - lost; vaazha - to live; param - Supreme Being; nin -
Your; aanantha - happy; paarvai - vision; engae - where]

    [Where is Your gracious, divine vision, for saving the confused
people in this world, caught in the imaginative thinking web that
prosperity and poverty are different ? ]

    {The translation is not exact - I know. I have tried my maximum.}

Kural of the week:

    Panbilaan petra perunselvam nanpaal
    kalantheemai yaalthirin thatru.

    [Panb(u) - kindness; ilaan - one who lacks; peru(m) - abundant;
selvam - wealth; nan - good; paal - milk; kala(m) - vessel; theemai -
bad; thiri(ntha) - spoilt ]

    [Like milk, though good, gets spoiled when held in a dirty vessel,
wealth also becomes useless when in the hands of a bad person.]

Thought for the week:

     "Physical concepts are free creations of the human mind, and are
not, however it may seem, uniquely determined by the external world.  In
our endeavor to understand reality we are somewhat like a man trying to
understand the mechanism of a closed watch. He sees the face and the
moving hands, even hears its ticking, but he has no way of opening the
case. If he is ingenious he may form some picture of a mechanism which
could be responsible for all the things he observes, but he may never be
quite sure his picture is the only one which could explain his
observations. He will never be able to compare his picture with the real
mechanism and he cannot even imagine the possibility of the meaning of
such a comparison."
    						   - Albert Einstein

Site of the week:

     Jungle Juice..... Yes... this week's site is by a 12 year old kid
(to believe from its contents). This page is about - animals &
endangered species. Information, pictures, articles on animals. Even you
can contribute articles - about animals or environment. Think how you
would feel if you saw someone torturing your dog or cat ? Sounds like a
horror movie ? Think about the animals whose lives are experimented,
rather played with, in 'so-called' laboratories and medical institutes.
Also, know about ways to protect the environment - our environment.

    Nothing is a waste of time, if you use the experience wisely.
             						 - Rodin

My other pages:

Last updated: December 27, 1998.
Mail your comments to: Anbumani. S