A poetic composition by an anonymous afficionado
of National Fishhead Radio
"Just thought I would spend a quiet moment at the computer vise, tying together another message for you to reel in, and gently unhook from the telephone line with your barbless wit. Late in the evening, I frequently string up some extra momets, to allow my surface to quiet to a glassy calm, and clear my mind of any trebled thoughts. "
"Five days a week I struggle against the current, always just trying to make it a little further upstream, it seems. But today, today I can ease over the rude tiller of everyday existence just a little, wade past the turbulent and rocky paths, and drift toward the calmer pools of life. For the next two days, I try to rise above it all. With luck, some M&Ms as bait, and a well deliverd line or two, I will lure my sometimes slippery mate to our secluded cove, to spawn. Perchance, to dream."
"And, while drifting through the moonlit stillness of an early Sunday morning, suddenly, and with the glimmer of a smile, I remember that little celebration that comes to me as if the distant ring of a churchbell at noon, XXXXX Talk. That's right, Strayhorn. Your show is like that little party that mountain climbers must have when they reach the summit, far above it all, but which they are too embarassed to talk about afterward. It punctuates my weekend at its very climax (or sometimes just before its very climax), reminding me to savor what has already passed by, and admonishing me to make the most of what is yet to come."
"It is like the middle of life, the middle of a day, the middle of a book, or of any of life's cycles; if you don't get it by then, you never will. I see lots of people just floundering through life, joylessly, and think to myself, they can't possible be listening to your casts, or they would know better than to take things so seriously! SO LIFE CAN BE HARD. So what! I won't let those sinkers drag me to the depths of depression. I am just not of that school."
"I hope you remember that when you step up to that microphone and wiggle your rod to cast those weekly sermons, we are counting on you. You inspire me to reach for my rod almost as much as Chenille's bubbling personality. We all need reminding just how good life can be, whether we are firmly grasping the hard things in life, or as may be the case on your show, dealing with subjects that are a little more slippery. Thank you. And thanks again to Chenille, ever so."
This page erected by Twilight
Digital Authoring.
No apache trout or HTML jockeys
were harmed in the making of this web page.
We really don't have any officiial connection whatsoever with Strayhorn
or NFR,
and frankly it's probably better that way. Hell, we don't even have their
tacit approval.
This page was NOT approved by the Sturgeon General.
Copyright 1998 Ketchum, Guttam, and Rowe. All rights reserved.
This page last updated 10 May 1998.
Take that, Mr. W.