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Everlasting love and relationship declare with the flowers. Flowers for the life partner for everlasting relationship
Bloom India Florist : "Everlasting Love" Bouquet - 1
You will always be special for me -
and even after all this time
and across all this distance
I love you as much as I ever did
  Select a quotation for your message


Click on the bouquet to order

Everlasting Love - 1

Your bouquet consists of 25 long-stemmed roses of mixed colours along with other assorted flowers
Set in a beautiful hand tied arrangement

US$ 30 only
inclusive of delivery charges to all cities

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One Dozen Roses
USD 15

One Dozen Gladioli
USD 20

Across The Miles - 1
USD 20

Across The Miles - 2
USD 24.95

Thank You - 1
USD 30

Thank You - 2
USD 24.95

Everlasting Love - 1
USD 30

Everlasting Love - 2
USD 29.95

USD 25

Inspiration - 1
USD 25

Inspiration - 2
USD 29.95

Appreciation - 1
USD 25

Appreciation - 2
USD 19.95

Young Love
USD 25

USD 45

USD 30

USD 20

I Love You - 1
USD 24.95

I Love You - 2
USD 24.95

Just Because - 1
USD 24.95

Just Because - 2
USD 24.95

Missing You - 1
USD 24.95

Missing You - 2
USD 29.95

Happiness - 1
USD 19.95

Happiness - 2
USD 24.95

Way To Your Heart - 1
USD 24.95

Way To Your Heart - 2
USD 29.95

The Two Of Us
USD 24.95

Anniversary - 1
USD 19.95

Anniversary - 2
USD 24.95

I Am Sorry - 1
USD 24.95

I Am Sorry - 2
USD 29.95

New Born - 1
USD 24.95

New Born - 2
USD 19.95

Condolence - 1
USD 14.95

Condolence - 2
USD 19.95

Happy Birthday - 1
USD 39.95

Happy Birthday - 2
USD 29.95

Bon Voyage - 1
USD 24.95

Bon Voyage - 2
USD 29.95

Get Well Soon - 1
USD 19.95

Get Well Soon - 2
USD 19.95

Actual bouquet may vary from picture shown depending on city of delivery. However all bouquets will be arranged according the description given above

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