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This Month's Member Profile

This Month's member profile was submitted by Nyon Steede the Society's Recording Secretary .

Name: Nyon Steede

Age: 28

Years in  hobby: 6 yrs.

Main fish kept: Discus

Other fish kept: Orandas(fancy gold fish), Severums, Geaphagagus, Red Devil,
                        Acaras, Steindachneri, Tomosapoensis, Aureums,
                        Robertsoni, Jack Dempsey, Hogaboomorum, Convicts and
                        various Tetras.

Number of tanks: 7

Most tanks kept: 11

Tank Sizes: 135 gal, 75, 65 hex, 30L, (2) 20L, (2) 18, (5) 10.

  Over the years I have developed at a steady rate in the fish hobby. It all started  when my father was given a 18 gal. tank from a friend that had been taking up space in his garage. Like most people that start in the hobby I knew little to nothing about fish keeping, water chemistry or types of filtration. I was given a crash course in fish keeping through the use of a book provided by a hobbyist. I had no choice but to learn as much as I could in a short period of time because like most beginners, I filled my first tank with all sorts of fish (some being very expensive - Discus). As I read up on the different aspects of fish keeping I came to understand the importance of water condition, i.e., pH, ammonia, temperature,

nitrates, etc. As I learned, I noticed that the overall state of my Discus improved from being black in colour - as a result of pH.

  As I became more involved with and enjoyed fish keeping, the basics was soon not enough. I bought a bigger tank (20 gal.) and after a short span of time a bigger one (30 gal.) and bigger and bigger. I became satisfied at 135 gal., but as you may have guessed I now want a bigger tank (350 - 400 gal). I gradually  progressed in every aspect of fish keeping, from power filters to wet & dry filters, plastic plants to live plants and regular fertilizer to a C02 (carbon dioxide) system. I am still looking to advance further.

  As a result of my new found love of fish, I joined the local fish club, The Bermuda Fry-Angle Aquarium Society. It's members soon became my fish encyclopedia. After a year in the club I was voted secretary, a post that I proudly hold to this day. The involvement in the club was a major developing force in my continued interest in the hobby. This was highlighted when I joined a few members on a trip to my first ACA convention in St. Louis. Just the atmosphere at the convention alone blew my mind, and when I got the chances to dialog with  the people who wrote the articles in the fish magazines, I felt as if I had "arrived".

   Since the hobby has brought such joy and pleasure to my life I try to introduce everyone I can to the hobby. Who knows, they might find in it what I have or more.


Pictures of my tank and fish

Photos by Simon Hendrickson