Spring is just around the corner, (I hope!)
and soon summer will be here. My favorite things
to do in the summer are swim, and plant my garden!
I started last year with a small
area just outside a window. I experimented with
a few different types of plants, and now I know
what I want more of this year, PANSYS!
They are my favorite because they all
have little faces that are so cute
and they seem to be smiling at me.

I also have a small trellis, and I planted
some Morning Glory seeds underneath.
They turned into a huge vine
and you couldn't even see the trellis!
I liked it because it created the feeling

of a little wall,
and made my garden seem more private.
Little birds like to hide among the leaves.
I am going to have another Morning Glory vine
again this year, and I may also plant
some Moon flowers, similar to Morning Glories,
but they have an irridescent shine,
and glow in the moonlight!

I had a variety of other plants,
but my favorites besides Pansys are some herbs.
Lemon Thyme, Lemon Verbena, and Lavender
are wonderful!
Rosemary and Sage are great too.

I also have some stepping stones
in the middle so there is a path to walk through.
I have a few bird feeders too. Not only do birds
come and eat, but there is a darling little
chipmunk that lives under the air conditioner
and he thinks all the birdseed is for him!
He makes regular early-morning trips
to the bird feeder and packs his cheeks
full of seeds, and then goes back
to his home and stores it.
Then he comes right back for more!
He rather seems to enjoy entertaining my cat,
Niles, through the window. He must know that
the cat can't get to him, because
he gets right up on the window ledge
and does a little jig and then stands up
and peers in at Niles
who by this time has konked his head
on the glass several times! When will Niles
ever learn to remember the window is there?
This chipmunk is rather spunky, as he will jump
up to my little terra cotta bird feeder
that looks like a little house, and swing
on in it as he nibbles seeds from inside.
This really drives Niles crazy!

Now in the winter, a few squirrels
have decided that the garden is their cafe',
and are regularly out there eating as I put seeds
out all year long.

Well, I must run for now,
my puppy Baxter is into mischief! I have been painting
the garden gate, and while I was giving
you a tour of the garden he spilled the paint and
has been frolicking around and left paw prints everywhere!
So please come again soon, after
he has had a bath!

You may exit through the garden gate,
and please latch it on account of Baxter.....
be careful, it may still be wet!

Copyright1999 Monica Greenholtz (excluding graphics)

My Favorite Books