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Twinky, Pinky, Binky And The Doll House

Twinky is a very small pig. After he moved into our house and I adopted him, I also adopted a little girl pig named Pinky. They got married and eventually had a baby, and named him Binky. It is rather curious that Binky is bigger than both of his parents, but eating is their favorite thing to do, after all. All three of them are very prone to getting into trouble as they are so curious and resourceful. For example, Binky discovered the Little People's baby stroller, and decided to use it for a car. When he got in, it took off! The stroller actually worked like a little car! So he "borrowed" it from the Little family, and uses it to buzz around in. This only made it easier for him to get into mischief.

Pinky, the mother, is very kind (and a little plump, of course) and she's the best cook! She has to be because as I said before, they love to eat. She is always trying out new recipies and ideas. This is kind of where the Doll House comes into the story. You see, there was this beautiful Victorian doll house, and it had a kitchen and a nursury and even a bathroom with a working light! Pinky wanted to move into the doll house so bad, especially because of the kitchen. She begged Twinky to move them to it.

So one day when no humans were around, they packed up and moved into the doll house. The doll family was in the way, however. They had to decide what to do about them, so Twinky decided to tie them up outside with a piece of ribbon that Pinky had borrowed from the doll's clothes trunk. The dolls didn't seem to mind, as they never said anything anyway.

The first thing Pinky did was set up the kitchen the way she wanted, and Twinky tried out the table and chairs. Binky squeezed into the highchair. The only problem was no food in the cupboard. So Twinky had to go out and try to find some, while Pinky examined the dishes and pots and pans. Binky became impatient in the highchair, as it was a little snug. He discovered he was stuck, so he had to just wait until his mom could pry him out.

Twinky, meanwhile, remembered he had been craving some fish when he came across a ceramic whale that had been a gift to me. My grandma brought it to me from England. Twinky had never heard of England, and wondered if it was the name of a grocery store. He took the whale back to the doll house and Pinky had a skillet ready. She put the whale into the pan on the stove. While he had been out, she had discovered some canned items on a shelf, and was trying to figure out how to open them. There was no can opener to be found anywhere. Twinky tried to bang one on the floor. Binky suggested hitting it with a hammer. Pinky decided to give up, because every can was pickled beets, and none of them cared for beets anyway. Just as Twinky sat down at the table again, they heard me arrive home. I of course immediately discovered the doll family tied up outside the doll house, and that the pigs had taken it over. I untied the doll family and put them back in the house, returned my whale miniature to the shelf, and promptly put the pigs to bed in their basket. They were instructed to stay away from the doll house from now on.

Pinky was very upset over this, but soon was distracted as Twinky and Binky began placing an order for dinner. So she wrote out their orders on a small slip of paper and tucked it into my backpack. She does this quite often, and I always come across them sometime later. Then I get the items and bring them back. However, I usually get quite irritated when I find the lists because they are not just ordinary grocery lists. They have many details, and are written like an order placed at a restaurant. For instance, one time the order was like this: Twinky wanted:

2 hotdogs with ketchup and mustard and chili sauce, and extra relish on the side

1 large pink lemonade, with extra ice on the side; and the pulp strained

a dish of chocolate pudding, with extra sprinkles on the side

a double order of french fries, extra crispy with salt and ketchup; and extra ketchup on the side.

You get the idea, and all 3 of them have similar orders. So I usually get them whatever I can, and then have to listen to all the complaints when it doesn't match the list.

Well, now you know a little about them and I hope you will come back for their next adventure. And please, think twice before adopting a pig family, no matter how cute they are....

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