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Welcome to Best Flirts!!!

The reason we decided to do this page is a question we get asked a LOT, so in answer to that question, we don't have a clue!!! One thing we do know is we are going to go in depth to discuss our friends in books, so we have a page for the men, one for the ladies, and another for couples!! And of course we will go alphabetically to avoid any hard feelings (with deep apologies to Jest)! There are those who might argue that there are better flirts than us in books, but - lol - we found the name and couldn't resist!!!

Hey guys...this will be continually updated. We know we may have missed someone, but will try to add as we realize it. Or, we don't have comments on everyone right now. Some because we haven't gotten thru them all, and some, because we have met you in books, but don't know you well yet....will add comments as soon as possible.

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Guide to Merr and Jen's Sites!

Angelfire's home page
Jen's Page!!!!
Merr's Page!!!!
The Ladies of Books!
The Gents of Books!
The Couples of Books!
The CHICAGO Trip!!!
Jest's page, our sexy Englishman
Knight_writers sharp birthday page!
Sweet Baron's Page (he runs fast)
