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Summer '97

Passing a middle school track the other day I smiled thinking of gym suits. Anyone old enough to remember those one-piece atrocities? There aren't many ugly shades of blue, but somehow, some way, the manufacturers were able to hit on one for those godawful suits. And how did they manage a design that looked so horrible on so many girls? Today's female phys ed classes should be shown pictures of gym suits of the past so they know what trauma has been averted.

The last few summers, a red ivy geranium has hung on the front porch. The first two years, a house finch claimed squatter's rights and I had the treat of watching the families grow up. I was disappointed this spring when no one moved in. But there is now a new tenant! A cricket has been serenading from the geranium. The first time I heard it, a chuckle escaped, wondering how it got into the hanging plant. Why it got into it. Is it living there or just bedding down there at night. Is room service available, or does the little creature go out to work each day. I hope crickets truly are a sign of good luck.

And speaking of the ivy geranium, WOW. ::eyes wide:: This could be the geranium that takes over the world. The sucker is healthy! Now I just hafta figure out a way to winter it over. It deserves to continue living.

The window beside my monitor looks to the north. I hung a wind sock from the eaves just to the west of the window so I can watch the multicolored streamers. Glossing over the fact that it almost scared the bejabbers out of me the first time I saw it drift past the window after dark, it has given delight besides the bright spot of color it creates. The sparrows have decided it is their carousel. On calm days, when the sock is gently twirling, they perch on the top edge and ride. An added amusement.
