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~Canine Monthly~

March 1, 1999

Quote of the month

“Some of our greatest historical and artistic treasures we place in museums; others we take for walks.”
- Roger A. Caras


Canine Trivia

In Egyptian times, the penalty for killing a greyhound was equivalent to that of killing a man.


Breed of the month

Origin: Scotland and England
Life span: 10 to 12 years
Grooming: Thorough brushing every week. Professional grooming once a month for rough-haired dogs. Routine dental care.
Height/weight: Males are 24 to 26 inches; females, 22-24 inches. Males are 60-75 pounds; females, 50-65 pounds.
Activity: High outdoors, moderate indoors.
Intelligence: High. Dogs have been called mind readers, thinkers, or analytical by owners.
Trainability: High, but bore easily. Require positive training and praise as motivation.
Temperament: Happy, affectionate, loyal, well-mannered, and eager to please.
Good with children: Yes, if raised with them. Supervise interaction with young children.
Good with other pets: Yes, but may try to herd smaller animals.
Attitude toward strangers: Friendly to most.
Watchdog: Yes. Guard dog, no.
AKC group: Herding
Function: Rough variety herded and protected flocks in the field where the heavy coat shielded them from animal bites, plants, and weather. Smooth variety drove sheep to market over muddy roads because short hair became less dirty.




Ways the Miss America Pageant Would Be Different if the Judges Were Dogs
10. Title revoked if old photographs surface of the winner petting a cat
9. Put your money on the girl wearing the sash made of baloney
8. New sniffing competition
7. Rambunctious Miss Ohio forced to wear one of those big plastic cones on head
6. Host Bob Barker torn to shreds by pack of angry neutered judges
5. Winning talent? Throwing a stick
4. Pageant thrown into total chaos by judge in heat
3. Miss Texas disqualified for stuffing her evening gown with Gaines Burgers
2. Winner gets to drink out of toilet
1. Points taken off for mange



The dogs all had a meeting,
They came from near and far.
Some came by public transport,
Some came by car,
But before they were allowed
To enter in the hall,
Each had to hang his Butt hole
On a hook upon the wall.
They all got nicely seated,
Each mother, son and sire.
When a dirty little yellow dog,
Began to holler, 'FIRE'!
They all jumped up together,
They had no time to look.
And each grabbed at random,
A butt hole from a hook.
This got their butt holes all mixed up,
And made them very sore.
To wear another butt hole,
They hadn't worn before.
And that's the reason why a dog,
Will even leave a bone,
To smell another butt hole,
In the hope to find his own.


Web site of the month

The Collie Club of America


Breed Spotlight

New Guinea Singing Dog
Personality- Singers can act more like wild animals than domestic dogs. Extremely sensitive and shy, they display unique behaviors, including cleaning their feet and faces like cats and climbing trees to pursue prey. Both males and females regurgitate for their young. If well-socialized from birth, Singers can make affectionate, entertaining family pets, but their intense hunting instinct makes them difficult to obedience train because obedience commands disappear at the first sight of living game.
Ideas of fun- Hunting rabbits, ground squirrels, rats, mice, and gophers. Singers put an ear to the ground to locate game in a burrow, then dig it out.
Ideal homes- Sensitive, patient people with a well-developed sense of humor and a big yard with an 8-foot fence with overhang. Singers take the art of escape to new heights, jumping 5-foot fences at a standstill, climbing trees and opening gates like raccoons. Singers tolerate cats if raised with them from birth but do not mix well with pet birds or rodents.
Perfect match- An animal behaviorist or research zoologist with a 5-acre fenced compound. Basenji owners also have a high degree of success.
Be forewarned- This is not a dog for the average owner. While they are not aggressive, Singers definitely don’t act like Lassie. Those considering a Singer should have experience with exotic animals or be prepared for a completely new experience. The breed’s hunting instinct is so strong, it will overcome any training or discipline techniques. For this reason, Singers must be securely confined because they will range far from home to pursue game.


Dogs born this month...

Pisces (February 19-March 20): Sensitive and compassionate, Pisces pooches are definitely devoted to their owners. Keen intuition tells them when you’re blue.
Aries (March 21-April 20): Better take your iron pills to keep up with this dog. An Aries is Indiana Jones in a dog collar—an adventurous traveler.


How many dogs does it take to screw in a light bulb?

Rottweiler: “I'll change the light bulb if I can eat the old one.”
