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~Canine Monthly~

September 1, 1998

Quote of the month

"Dogs are our link to paradise. They don't know evil or jealousy or discontent. To sit with a dog on a hillside on a glorious afternoon is to be back in Eden, where doing nothing was not boring--it was peace."
-Milan Kundera


Canine Trivia

People all over the world love to have dogs as pets. The United States and France have the most pet dogs. Almost one in three families in these countries own a dog. What countries have the least amount of pet dogs? Germany and Switzerland only have one dog for every ten families. They need more dogs!


Breed of the month

Origin: China.
Life span: 12-14 years.
Height: 10 to 12 inches.
Weight: 14 to 18 pounds.
Activity level: Low.
Intelligence: Average.
Trainibility: Average.
Character: Comical, stubborn, affectionate, playful.
Good with children: Yes, excellent.
Good with other pets: Yes.
Strangers: Friendly.
Watchdog: Barks with reason.
AKC group: Toy
Use: Companion.




Q: What do you find on the ground when it rains cats and dogs?
A: Lots of poodles!

Q: What happened to the dog that swallowed a firefly?
A: It barked with delight.

Q: What do you say to a dog before dinner?
A: Bone appetit!

Q: Why do dogs chase their tails?
A: They're trying to make ends meet.

Q: When is it time for a cat to move out of the house?
A: When the place goes to the dogs.




A faithful dog will play with you,
And laugh with you or cry.
He'll gladly starve to stay with you,
Nor even reason why.
And when you're feeling out of sorts,
Somehow he'll understand.
He'll watch you with his shining eyes,
And try to lick your hand.
His blind,implicit faith in you,
Is matched by his great love.
The kind that all of us should have,
In the Master up above.
When everything is said and done,
I guess this isn't odd.
For when you spell "dog" backwards,
you will get the name of God!


Web site of the month

Pug Dog Home Page


Dogs born this month...

Virgo (August 24-September 23): Does the term “anal retentive” apply to your dog? He or she may be a Virgo. Felix Unger would love this neatnik, who prefers human company to that of other dogs, who are much too messy.
Libra (September 24-October 23): Other dogs will fawn over your handsome Libra, but your hopeless romantic won’t know how to deal with them. The neighborhood peacekeepers, Libras are stymied when it comes to decision making.
