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The Carl vs. Piglet Theory

yes piglet... that loveable, hugable, homo acting pig like thing from 100 acre woods... pooh's best friend. From years as a Carl expert i've discovered one shocking and somewhat scary fact. Carl and piglet were separated at birth... they are (dun dun duhhhh) Twins!!!! however carl got a nose job so that explains why he doesn't have a snout....(oh yeah carl isn't a homo either)

The resembelence is uncanny.... just blows me away everytime i see them together like this

Here Carl is Having fun playing around with his new hat.... oh wait... silly me thats not Carl... thats piglet... and thats not a hat its a jar of paint... oh i really feel foolish on this one.


oh and here is P-P-Piglet all happy and full of life... Piglet just loves punk... wait, oh bother..i did it again thats not Piglet... thats Carl. DUh!!!

Here again is Carl with his good friend Brandon painting a picture on a very blustery day. oh god Brandon doesn't have any pants on!!!! next picture.....

oh now this is such a cute picture of piglet... so carlesque... you can really tell they are related here.

There is a theory that Carl wears special makeup to cover up just how closely related he is to Piglet. It's quite sad, actually. Few of Carl's friends have ever seen him without makeup, but we have an exclusive photo. Well.. it's either makeup or a weird version of whatever Michael Jackson has. But let's not compare Carl to Michael now.. that's just not right.


more to come.... muwhahaha

For further Piglet Proof, click here.
for more Carl fun... oops I mean Piglet try Oh Gallant Piglet