For example, let's say that I want to see how I am connected to David Letterman. That's simple. My dad was in his his first-grade class. That means we're connected by third person. Dave would be person 1, dad would be person 2, and I am the third. We hardly ever know of people we are connected to via. this strange phenomina. But atleast it gives hope to those in love with Cindy Crawford or Tom Cruise.
Now that we all understand what this six-degrees is, its time to apply it to our good friend Carl.... And to make it easy on us, we'll look at how Carl has brung each and every one of us closer to some band or band member...
Let's say I want to see how my best friend's daughter is connected to Mike Retread...
Now let's get more personal..
Let's see how you are connected to The Mighty 7"...
You get the picture.
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