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........."IS TREISE DUCAS NA OILIUINT".........
                        THE ORIGINATION OF THE  CELTS:
Hallstatt is a small village in Austria which makes the claim to be forty-five thousand years old.On the outskirts of this quaint village lies the ancient salt mines of Salzkammergut (the place of good salt)The salt from this area was a significant part in the economy of Europe at the time.The Celts mined for salt here some two and a half thousand years ago.In 1876 a substantial excavation of these mines took place after the then director, Ramsauer who discovered many ancient artifacts including the preserved body of a prehistoric miner.Ramsauers imagination was fired by the locals and their talk of ancient ancestry.Ramseur discovered a huge prehistoric cemetery on the outskirts of the village which contained some two and a half thousand graves.The work which followed at this site lead to the first real technical definition of the Celts.These iron age people were described by the term "Halstatt culture."

The prehistoric Hallstatt traded salt effectively as far away as Italy.The discovery of the Hallstatt Celts lead to a re evaluation by historians.Prior to this, the history of civilization was primarily based on Greece or Rome.Classical writings from these cultures were considered to be the final authority.No importance or value was placed on any other culture, in particular a non literary,barbarian one.Now Greece and Rome had a rival;the oppulance and structure of the Celtic civilization.

 The artifacts found at Hallstatt were for the most part ,iron made and indicated a sophisticated,hierarchal society.These superb craftsmen owned and burried with them,beautifully decorated vessels,ornaments,werapons and horse trappings all of a standard much more advanced then the rest of Europe at the time.

 The date usually associated with Hallstatt is approximately 770 B.C. An almost cosmopolitan influence flourished on the swords and shields found at Hallstatt.The Greeks and Romans at the time had described trade with a destinctive group of people living in Central Europe.They called these people the "Keltoi." The Hallstatt culture reflects the Celts in the state of their development between the beginning of the 9th. century B.C. and the middle of the 7 th.century B.C.There was also discoveries of a similar nature throughout the rest of Europe which were considered as belonging to the same culture as that at Hallstatt.In Britian and Ireland for example,objects have been discovered from this time period which are very definately "Hallstatt"

On mainland Europe at the same time as the discoveries at Hallstatt were being made,another find was discovered afew kilometers away in Switzerland.This discovery showed a much more advanced Celtic culture tracing its spiritual ,intellectual and social development.This area was known as La Tene.
All images by P.O'Rourke Please E.mail us for permission to use.