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    sex: m f
    personal status:
    student: yes: no:
    if yes, what are you studying?


    I'm using the internet since............years

    1. How many hours do you spend for surfing in one week?________

    2. Do you pay attention to advantageous times (in regard of the tariff), when you are
    using the net? [...]yes [...]no

    3. How long does the account exist, which you are using? [...]yes [...]no

    4. Did you increase the time you spend in the internet, since the time you started to
    now? [...]yes [...]no

    5. Which sectors of the net do you make use of?
    [...]Newsgroups [...]IRC [...]Chat [...]email [...]information-seeking

    6. Are you member of a mailing list? [...]yes [...]no

    7. Do you use internet for professional matter also? [...]yes [...]no

    8. I often spend more time in internet as I actual want. [...]yes [...]no

    9. The internet offers me the possibolity to get information from all over the world in
    an easy and fast way. [...]yes [...]no

    10. Sometimes I'surfing in the net althoug there are more important things to manage.
    [...]yes [...]no

    11. When I left the net after a few hours I want to go back surfing after a real short
    time. [...]yes [...]no

    12. I like communication via internet, because you are allways confrontrate with a
    large number of various opinions. [...]yes [...]no

    13. I've got backaches and similar aches because of too much time sitting in front of
    the computer. [...]yes [...]no

    14. I canceled/postponed a date because I wanted to spend more time in the net.
    [...]yes [...]no

    15. Most of the time, I'm using the internet for scintific business. [...]yes [...]no

    16. Often, friends, my partner or my family become angry about too much surfing.
    [...]yes [...]no

    17. Internet is a giant funfair with thousands of possibilities, which have to be used.
    [...]yes [...]no

    18. With surfing, I can forget my daily problems. [...]yes [...]no

    19. Sometimes I tried to reduce the time I spend for surfing. [...]yes [...]no

        If yes: --because of my telephone bill [..]yes [..]no
        --in order to prevent burning eyes [..]yes [..]no

    20. I've met interesting people throug surfing. [...]yes [...]no

    21. You are in totally different world, when you are in the net, which leads you away
    from the daily round. [...]yes [...]no

    22. The internet offers you a huge quantity of information, but you just can't use it in an
    positiv way because of ist chaotic structur. [...]yes [...]no