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Marine Doom!

Great. After you wiped the evil demons off the earth(you think), strange things start happening at UAC. Something has gone wrong there and it turned all the marines against you. You know that UAC has all the weapons from the lowly pistol to the awesome BFG9000, and this strange new weapon the shoots fireballs, so some marines will be very dangerous, especially the ones with BFG9000s! You are determined to get to UAC headquarters where the source of the problem is and stop it. Could it be some hellspawn that somehow has survived? Only you can find out, your life depends on it!

I hope to upload a preview of the project soon so you can see what its like.
The first two levels I made are the first 2 levels in my project,
I want to make it be 32 levels so if anyone else wants to help with making levels e-mail me about it and we will work it out. Thanks!

Go back to the Doom 2 page.

Screen shots!
Some of the Marines!

Downlaod the first release of Marine Doom. It contains the first 3 levels. Read MarineInst included for installation instructions.
View the Marine Doom text file.

This DoomTc Ring site is owned by
Robert Dudley.

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