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The following pages contain images of drawings taking from living, breathing, naked, human beings. If for some reason you find this concept offensive or otherwise inappropriate, please do us both a favor and don't go any further.

Now that that is out of the way...

Welcome to this public online showing of my figure drawings. I consider myself primarily as a sculptor, utilizing clay to create either sculptural forms or utilitarian pottery. (I should have an additional web site featuring my pottery up and running fairly shortly).

I had gone for a few years without really doing any figure drawing on a regular basis. Naturally, I had taken the classes required at any art school, and I even assisted in the teaching of a class at Wichita State University. Except for some sketches used mainly as notes for my sculptures once I was out of school I never really seemed to dedicate the extra time it takes to draw. After years of not drawing at all, last year I managed to catch some sessions for about a month and was really happy about the results.

This year I have decided to completely trash any ideas of having a social life and have been drawing almost weekly since March.

Michelle and the Big Stool
Charcoal on Paper
18" by 24"

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