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History of the Garrett Name

The surname Garrett was baptismal name "the son of Gerard". The name was derived from the Old German Gerhard - meaning spear-brave. The name was brought to England in the wake of the Norman Conquest of 1066. The name has numerous variant spelling which include Garrit, Garred, Gerrett, Geratt, Jarrett, Jarred, Jarad, Garrould and Garrod to name a few. Early records of the name mention Gerordus (without surname) listed in the Domedays Book of 1086. Hugo Gerard was recorded in 1199 in Northumberland. William Gerart was documented in 1281 in the County of Suffolk. Johannes Gerard of Yorkshire, was listed in the Yorkshire Poll Tax of 1379. Thomas Garard registered at Oxford University in 1511. Garit Pender was buried at Cheadle Church, Cheshire in 1678, Garrat Cocke (gentleman) was buried at Newcastle-on-Tyne in 1637. William Garret was buried in the Town of Chesham, Buckingham County 1381. Associated arms are recorded at Burkes General Armory and Ulster King of Arms.

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