I know what you're thinking. "What the heck is the Critterkids? And why does it no longer exist?"
Well, actually, you're probably not thinking that if you knew what the site USED to be, but that's all in the past now. I'm starting afresh! (well, sorta) I'm just too lazy to start a new site, so I'm building on the ruins of my old one so to speak. I'll have more here in the future, maybe. If I feel like it. For now you can visit the links, or see about COMMISSIONS
LiNkS (IsN't It AnNoYiNg WhEn PeOpLe TyPe LiKe ThIs?)
days 'til my Birthday.
And if you aren't sure what's new and what's not, check out the brandy-new UPDATES page.
And if you want, check out the Gip Memorial page In memory of my guinea pig.