The Color Conspiracy

I'm sure you can already guess what color I am talking about. Yes the imfamous BABYBLUE *shudder*! I finally got sick of all these Timberlake Teenyboppers and this babyblue conspiracy. One day I decided to wear my fubu jersey (like the ones Chris has) to school and it happened to be a LIGHT blue color. Then this NASTY and REPLUSIVE TEENYBOPPER had the nerve to come up to me and say that I am SWEATIN JUSTIN (in his dreams) cause I'm wearing babyblue. Number One DON'T EVER SAY THAT TO ME AGAIN OR YOU WILL NOT LIVE TO SEE YOUR NEXT N SYNC CONCERT!!!!!!! Number two, just cause your JEALOUS that you cannot consume that MUCH LIGHT blue into one outfit does not mean you have to get mad at me. And for the rest of you Timberlake Teenyboppers, Justin doesn't own babyblue! Therefore if someone wearing a color that YOU consider babyblue and they have said their favorite is other than Justin, DO NOT go up to them and tell them that they are SWEATIN JUSTIN! Also if Justin said that his favorite color was hot pink, what everyone be wearing to N Sync concerts? And don't even think about trying to say that your favorite color is babyblue because we know you have a sorry life and everything but to go and COPY off someones favorite color shows how PITYFULL you really are. And lastly I have to say, THERE IS ONLY ONE SHADE OF BABYBLUE!! So sorry Justin but you haven't worn babyblue 90% of the time you are in public. Perhaps if you said 90% of the time you wre in public you wore BLUE, I'd believe you! So click the link below to see how many shades of babyblue Justin THINKS there is.

The Many Shades of Babyblue