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As an elderly lady sat on her front porch reflecting on her long life, A Fairy Godmother suddenly appeared And offered to fulfill 3 Wishes for her.

"Well," said the woman, "I guess I'd like to be Rich." POOF: The Fairy Godmother turned her rocking chair into solid Gold.

"And I wouldn't mind being a Young and Beautiful Princess." POOF: The Fairy Godmother turned the old woman into an exquisite Young Princess, With a priceless Crown of Jewels.

"Your Third Wish?" asked the Fairy Godmother. The elderly woman's Cat raised his head and uttered a single, weak, hoarse "meow." "Could you possibly turn my wonderful Cat into a Handsome Prince?"

POOF: There, in front of the Old Woman, Who has now turned into a Beautiful Princess, Stood the most Handsome Young Man anyone had ever seen. More handsome than anyone could possibly imagine. She stared at him in awe, completely smitten.

As he came toward her, her knees weakened. He bent down, brushing his lips across her ear as he whispered, "I'll bet you're sorry you had me Neutered."

Candace's Offbeat Universe Cats and More Cats!! Offbeat Webrings 1
Tickle Me Elmo Consumer Alerts! Caffiene Prayer
A Prayer for
The Stressed
Cuckoo Clock Pop-N-Fresh
Cat Commandments Cat Quotes Why Cats are
Better than Men
Cat Food Excerpts from the
Cat's Diary
The Cat Said...
Important Cat Info Signs Your Cat is
Using Your Computer
The Case Of The
Creeping Cat
How To Give
A Cat A Pill
Fairy Godmother Why A Kitten Is
Better Than A Baby
Cat Funnies Cat Movies Cat to English
Why A Puppies Are
Better Than Boyfriends
Things I Have Learned
From The Movies
Everything I Need
To Know In Life
I Learned From My Cat
Wacky Women
Of The Web
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