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Jars of Clay - Frail

The Really Rare First Album

There were only 1,000 copies of this CD ever made. It was recorded on the campus of Greenville College before anyone knew who they were. It contains a few of the songs that were re-recorded for their Essential Records debut, but these versions are in some cases very different. It also contains a few other songs. Here is the picture from the back cover of the CD. It shows the exact track listing.

This CD is autographed by all four original members of the band! It is so rare that I decided to sell it on a bid only basis. Please keep in mind that this CD has been auctioned off in the past for pretty high amounts of money. I have personally seen it selling for anywhere between $400 and $1000! All bids under $100 will be ignored. This is a closed bid process, so don't e-mail me and ask what the highest bid is just so you can top it! Also, please only submit an offer if you intend to pay it! Send offers to:

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