2000AD Polls |
Best Shock Endings Poll
Question: "Which 2000AD series has the best 'shock', twist endings?"
2000AD Writer Poll
Question: "Who is considered 2000AD's most influential writer?" Indeed, 2000AD writers have left an extraordinary impact and influence on the Galaxy's greatest comic by contributing some of the very best and very worst stories ever in 2000AD. Also, the influence can be felt in some American comic books, where most popular ex-2000AD scribes such as Alan Moore and Garth Ennis have found their niche. Without a doubt, much of the European talents are being especially sought after by DC Comics and others. Alas, as successful as they will be some may never return to write for 2000AD (the comic that helped push their stardom) again. The 2000AD Writer Poll has concluded and the votes have been tallied. 2000AD's leading writer is: John Wagner with 51% of the votes. Wagner is famed for creating and churning out new Judge Dredd stories every week. He also created and wrote the original and revived Strontium Dog as well, which we failed to mention. Runner-ups were Pat Mills (Slaine) at 23% and Dan Abnett (Durham Red, Sinister Dexter) at 5%. Quite a shame for the writers with zero votes.
Rename 2000AD Poll
Question: "What will 2000AD be called in the next millennium?" This was sort of a controversial issue in the last millennium, as many believed the title 2000AD should be changed to accomodate the coming millennium whilst others didn't want it changed and argued it should remain as is. In fact, some Squaxx dek Thargo (2000AD readers) frequently cited the George Orwell novel 1984 as an example, since the actual year of 1984 came and gone without any signs of the "prophecies" Orwell had addressed. It's very evident of what 2000AD is called at this moment: 2000AD. That's a good thing. Otherwise, I'd shuddered at the name, The Beyond 2kAD Links Project... The Rename 2000AD Poll has concluded and the Top 3 choices have been determined. Winner: The leading majority at 41% thought 2000AD should remain, with 3000AD (36%) and Beyond 2000AD (15%) as runner-ups. |
voters since 12.18.2000 AD