5th-level Human Thief, Lawful Evil
Str 19 Dex 18 Con 16 Int 17 Wis 15 Cha 15
Hit points: 30
Armor class: 5 (amulet of protection+1)
THAC0 13 (steel dagger, thrown) Dam: 1d4+7/1d3+7 #AT 2/1
Weapon proficiencies: dagger, bastard sword, local
style: +1 ac
Nonweapon proficiencies: common, thri-kreen, halfling, set
snares, fast-talking, intimidation, locksmithing, water find,
looting, appraising, gaming
Wild talent: Not discovered yet
Equipment: backpack, large sack, common clothes, riding boots, dagger sheath, bone lockpics, signal whistle, ceramic plate, magnifying glass, darksuit, hollow boots, one vial of metal-eating acid, footpads, fake dice, blanket, bone pin ring, 8 fake gems, brass ring, amulet of protection +1 (ac/s.t.), 4 steel daggers
Henchmen: Heavy crodlu with leather barding (32 hp)
History: Alryum was born and raised in Raam. His father was taken to the slave pens while Alryum was an infant. His mother died when he was five, and the little rascal had to take care of himself. He quickly found out that a sleight of hand and a punchline came in handy. Currently, Alryum is a courier for a trader in the Merchant District, delivering illegal items such as spell components, but he is always looking for ways to improve his lot.