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12/14 Elf Fighter/Defiler, Lawful Evil

Str 19 Dex 22 Con 18 Int 20 Wis 18 Cha 16

Hit points: 112
Armor class: -5 (hide breastplate+1, bronze plate legs, rinf of protection +2 ac, medium shield)
THAC0 3 (steel longsword+2) Dam: 1d8+8/1d12+8 #AT 2/1
THAC0 1 (longbow +1) Dam: 1d8+8/1d8+8 #AT 2/1

Weapon proficiencies: longsword expertise, shortsword, longbow, local style: +1 ac, local style: +1 to attack rolls with longsword, medium shield
Nonweapon proficiencies: common, elven, gith, ancient languages (elf), heraldry, herbalism*, somatic concealment, spellcraft, ancient history (elf)

Wild talents: adrenalin control, chameleon power

Other: infravision 60', +1 to attack rolls when using tribal longswords and longbows, add con to movement, train weapon classes, construct war machines, command troops

Equipment: black silk tunic with golden spider on back and chest, blue pants, snakeskin belt, 4 beltpouches, satchel with spell components, backpack, bonecase for spells, 7 sheets of paper, 1 vial of ink, feather pen, 3 healing elixirs (recovers 1d6 hp each), steel razor ring, ball of gianthair twine, 4 cactus needles, pouch containing 40 obsidian marbles, 2 5-gallon waterskins, dry rations, scabbard of poison (contains 6 doses of poison n), gold amulet (half-moon), bronze circlet, treasure map, red cylinder (incomplete waterhammer), 3 vials of poison n, arrow of golemslaying +3, gem of insight, gem of comprehension, ring of regeneration, boots of speed, psionic item with accelerate, 12 steel-pointed sheaf arrows +1, 12 steel-pointed flight arrows +1, longsword +2, ring of protection +2 ac

History: Naeyon was the son of Tuga Dai, the former leader of the Jura Dai elves. He is Cabal's father, but seeks the death of the half-elf for killing Tuga Dai. Cabal murdered his grandfather in cold blood (though he did not know that at the time being) and is deathmarked by his own father. Naeyon set after Cabal as soon as he discovered Tuga Dai's body, but failed to bring him back. The elders of the tribe expelled him and named him Azicon (which is elven for renegade). The only way Naeyon can regain his pride and claim the position as leader of the Jura Dai is to kill Cabal. He once caught up with his son, but had to cooperate with him to stop Pharistes and the Order. Naeyon would have killed Cabal as soon as Pharistes had fallen, but the half-elf had mystically disappeared during the battle, and so had the Psionatrix. Should Naeyon however find Cabal again, the showdown would be unavoidable.

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