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Plague Asterisk

3rd-level Human Templar, Lawful Evil

Str 14 Dex 15 Con 16 Int 15 Wis 16 Cha 14

Hit points: 24
Armor class: 5 (hide armor)
THAC0 20 (steel sai) Dam: 1d4/1d2 #AT 1/1

Weapon proficiencies: sai, katana
Nonweapon proficiencies: common (r/w), read/write, herbalism, rope use, direction sense, beurucracy, waterfind

Wild talents: Not discovered yet

Other: call upon slave, pass judgement on slave, enter a freeman's house, requisition 3d4 soldiers

Equipment: backpack, waterskin, 50 ft hemprope, chalk, candles, scroll case, steel sai

Henchmen: Two slaves

History: Plague is a street-patrolling urikite templar who loves his position. He takes bribes from many underground operations, among them an illegal casino and an elven smuggler. Plague's superior is a ruthless templar by the name of Jawe, after his former superior was assassinated. Jawe should not feel too safe in his position, since Plague has little love for people who bosses him around. Mingon found that out the hard way.

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