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Resources from Visions of Adonai Designs


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Links to Explore

Academic Journals
Computer Literacy
Critical Thinking
Curriculum Resources
Discussion Lists
Educational News
Educational Software
Employability Skills
Enhancing Learning
Internet Skills
Learning Styles
Libraries Online
New Directions
Portfolio Devt
Research Resources
Subject Resources

Visions of Adonai Designs

University and College Educators Educational Technology

Atlas of Cyberspace
Incredible graphic representations of Cyberspace geography.

CTI: Changing the face of University Teaching
A wide range of resources to help you make the most of Informational Technology in Teaching.

Educational Technology VR-MUD
Multi-user dimensions (MUDs) are explored in the context of education.

Future of Network Technology for Learning
White papers, workshop reports and initiatives in Educational Technology.

Microsoft in Higher Education
Directory, software, tools, news, statistics, and more on the use of computers in Higher Education.

The Internet Society
Leaders in issues related to the future of the Internet. Infrastructure standards and issues. Join and add your voice!