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Resources from Visions of Adonai Designs


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Subject Resources

Visions of Adonai Designs

University and College Educators Employability Skills

Assessing your Employability Skills Profile
Guidelines for students about the employability skills most needed for the 21st century.

Developing Employability Skills
A research paper focused on the importance of developing employability skills in every graduate.

Employability Skills - Why are they Important?
An on-line tutorial explaining why employability skills are considered crucial for the current and future workforce.

Employability Skills Not Enough
An extension of the basic employability skills to include research, systems, and technology skills.

Employability Skills Profile
Outlines skills desired by polled employers from graduates in the next millenium.

Successful Employment
Employability Skills + Adult Agency Support + Family Support + On-the-Job Support.

The Learning Curve
A vision for the learning age by U.K. Universities.

The Skills Most Sought by Recruiters
An Employability Skills for British Columbia Summary.

Why Skill Standards?
NHCSSP's in-depth explanation of skill standards and their utility.

Workplace Success Skills
Skills to develop for workplace success for students and adult learners.