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June Kaminski, RN MSN
1999, 2000

Visions of Adonai Designs

All Rights Reserved 2000
Last Updated: January 14th, 2000

Mind Expanders for Your Family

A+ Research and Writing
Help available to assist your child in writing high quality term papers. Tips, links,and resources.

Adventures of Banph
Toddlers and preschoolers will be entranced by this expertly illustrated online story.

ALA Resources for Parents and Kids
The Association for Library Services for children present 700+ amazing web links for art, entertainment, literature, socials, science, and more.

The Alphabet Superhighway
Offers homework help, educational issues, and research skills, a cyberzine, tutoring, and safe searches.

Animal Bytes
From Sea World Adventure Park with dozens of animal profiles, fact sheets, and information.

Ask An Expert
Homework help offered by linking kids with experts in various subjects.

Aurora Page
Explains all about Aurora Borelias or Northern Lights, offering satellite views of current Aurora activities.

Biology Project
An online interactive resource for learning biology, for adults and kids.

B.J. Pinchbeck's Homework Helper
Great collection of 440+ subject resources, all compiled by an 11 year old, B.J.

Curriculum Based Research
Modules for elementary, middle, and high school studies. Offers a website that helps students do research and develop computer literacy.

Discovery Channel Online
An amazing site offering stories, expeditions, news, mind games, and more.

Discovery Channel School
Lesson plans, discussions, activities, vocabulary, links, standards, and school spotlights. Free educator guide.

Earth Introduction
Everything you wanted to know about the Earth and then some. Graphics intensive.

Education Resources Online
Learning activities and guides from NASA to lear about Space and Travel.

Einstein's Chalkboard
Offers space on their website for kids to create and publish their very own web pages! Homework reference area, games, activities, safe links.

Fun School
Interactive fun activities to help your young child learn.

History Happens
Music videos, neat stories, and fun activities for kids to learn U.S. history.

Homework Helper
An electronic library to access resources like magazines, newspapers, books, TV and radio transcripts, and more on the topic of your choice.

IPL's Teen Division Originals
Resources for teens. Homework help, career and college planning, clubs and organizations, dating, health, issues and conflicts, politics, sports, and style.

The Internet Public Library
Offers Ask a Reference Question interactive forms, or you can browse through the reference section.

Kid's Web
A digital library for K to 12, lots of resources.

Kids World 2000
A literal goldmine of material and site links. All the best museums are here, plus top science projects.

Library Spot
A wide assortment of links to libraries across the continent, a full reference desk section, with areas for students, parents, and teachers.

Little Explorers
A special learning place for small children, pictorial dictionary, games, learning activities.

Martindale's - The Reference Desk
This site is loaded! Internet interactive multimedia in 46 subjects, tutorials, databases, and 6,400 calculators.

National Institute of Environmental Health
Teaches kids how to protect the environment through interactive games, puzzles, activities, art galleries - lots to do here!

The Nine Planets
Offers a multimedia tour of the Solar System. A must-see for the entire family! Incredible showcase for the planets and their moons.

Nye's Labs Online
Colorful, zany site featuring Bill Nye, the TV Science Guy. Home demos of science activities, science news, episodes guides, and more.

Online Literary Criticism Collection
Offers 1576 critical and biographical website links about authors and literary criticism. Search by name, title, or literary period.

POTUS - Presidents of the U.S.
In-depth resource on all 42 U.S. Presidents. Bios, personality profiles, historical documents, audio and video files, and links.

Research - It!
Packed with language tools, such as dictionaries, rhymes, pronunicination, translators, library tools, and more!

Study Web
You could spend literally spend hours here, researching various topics. Over 70,000 links.

Great Links

Child Net Safety
Computer Literacy
Creative Activities
Cyber Shopping
Health on the Net
Family Surfing
Fun on the Net
Mind Expanders
Safety Activism

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