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Visions of Adonai Designs

University and College Educators Learning Styles

Addressing Diverse Learning Styles
Discusses the use of multimedia to target diverse learning styles in higher education.

Association For Psychological Type
Official site devoted to the MBTI, and the testing of psychological types for education and business.

DVC Learning Style Survey
An on-line Learning Style assessment tool for college students.

DVC Learning Style Theory
Background on the Four Learning Styles in the DVC Survey.

Explorations in Learning and Instruction
An extensive database of 50 major theories of learning and instruction under the theme: Theory Into Practice by Greg Kearsley.

ILS - Index of Learning Styles
Wonderful site with tools to test your student's Learning Styles using the ILS developed by Richard M. Felder and Linda K. Silverman.

Learning Modalities, Styles, & Strategies
A comprehensive overview of several types of Learning Styles taxonomies. MBTI, RSI, LSI, GRSLSS, and more.

Learning Styles
An overview of what learning styles are, explained with text and illustrations.

Learning Styles and Hypertext
User attitudes and learning styles were addressed in this research report from the University of Melborne. Full download in PDF format.

Learning Styles of Psychological Types
An overview of the four psychological types inherent in the MBTI Model, based on the work of Carl Jung.

Matters of Style
An overview of four Learning Style Models:MBTI, Kolb's, the Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument (HBDI), and the Felder-Silverman Learning Style Model.

Personal Learning Style
Offers an emailed description of Personal Learning Styles for students and faculty.

SCBE's Multiple Intelligence Theory
Nicely presented content about Howard Gardner's Multiple Intelligences model for education.

Student Learning and the MBTI
This article provides an overview of the four major dimensions inherent in the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator.