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Resources from Visions of Adonai Designs


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Visions of Adonai Designs

University and College Educators Computer Literacy

ABCs of Word Processing
On-line tutorial to help you learn the basics of using Word Processing programs.

Basic Technological Competencies
A cluster of self-assessment tools for educators to rate their personal technological competencies.

CAT Online
Fully illustrated on-line tutorials in Word, Excel, and Power Point. Very nicely done.

Clinton on Computer Literacy
Article outlining President Clinton's plan for computer literacy and informational technology recruitment.

Computer Applications for Teachers
An on-line tutorial to familarize educators with the various applications and how they can be used in education.

Computer Fundamentals for Teachers
On-line tutorials for educators to guide you in the development of computer fundamental competencies.

Computer Skills on the Web
On-line course from the University of Missouri for students and faculty.

Databases from Scratch
The low-down on creating databases - a must for educators.

Fresno Pacific University
Independent study course offerings in basic computer and internet skills for adults and professionals.
Downloadable computer manuals for loads of programs, Windows 95/98, and more!

Home DTP Technical Guide
A concise guide to desk top publishing tricks of the trade.

On-line Dictionary of Computing
Type in a computer related term, and the database will find the definition.

PCLearn On-line
A Manhattan based school with online courses in all the basic computer applications.

PC Webopedia
Online encyclopedia and search directory for computer and internet related definitions.

Spreadsheet Basics
An on-line tutorial to learn the basic rationale of using spreadsheets.

Web Design and Net Guides
On-line tutorial to acquaint you with the basics of webpage design.

WINDOWS 95/98 Tutorial
On-line tutorials for learning to use WINDOWS 95/98.

WORD 7.0 On-line Tutorial
From Canterbury Christ Church College, a complete tutorial on using WORD v.7.0

ZD University
For a modest fee, enroll in on-line courses in a multitude of computer program basics.