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Idle Thoughts
Idle Thoughts

It's strange, the things you think of, when you're not really thinking at all... I miss Ed, my cat... I wonder what Steve's doing at work... Do I need to buy milk tomorrow? Dad seems to be accepting things a little more now... And you don't seem to be surprised by the path your thoughts are taking, or that lyric that goes round in your head. 'School's out for summer!' And on and on it goes. New experiences, old experiences, memories from ten years or ten seconds ago, random thoughts and noises that lead on and on, like that twisted six degrees of seperation thing, and God, you'll almost think there's no end to this madness, no end, no beginning, no plot, no point... No point... No point...
That reminds me, I really should ring Alan. I haven't told them yet. Grr, I wish I didn't have to go to work tomorrow. She flies out on Sunday. For how long? Send me a postcard! A line from a story... Or a song. A strange tune plays idly in your mind, that might be distantly related to something you heard on the radio a few minutes ago. I must send her an email. Do you think she appreciated the CDs? Or the discman? She's quite materialistic and shallow at times, but then she gets all emotional and soppy. Bizarre child. I wonder where we'll be in ten... Fifteen... Twenty years time? How we'll look back. It reminds me of Christmas. Dinner is definite, no matter how many of my family decide to leave the country. I bewilder even myself at times. Blame the man!
But they're all just idle thoughts and random tunes and of little consequence or interest. Tea?

©Elanor Maud 2000 

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