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Your Place to Shine

ADD can be the hallmark of a creatively gifted mind. I would like to showcase your special talents. If you have written a poem, short story, or essay you are particularly proud of, I'd like to post it. Maybe you've even drawn something, taken a great photograph, or invented a tasty recipe. I'll gladly accept whatever you'd like to share.

I only ask that whatever you send adheres to these three easy conditions:

  1. While I believe in free speech, I also believe in using that right responsibly. Because of my personal convictions, I ask that you keep your submissions "PG."
  2. Your submission must be your own work.
  3. Any visual works (art, photos, etc.) must be ready to upload. Unfortunately, I don't have the capabilities for scanning, etc. If your submission can be e-mailed some way, or placed somewhere I can use the right mouse button to nab it, it would be very helpful.

    Send it!