CHAPTER 4: Fighting the Man

Raditsu watched with apprehension as Bardock, sitting on the bench across from him, skimmed over the rumpled page from Vegeta's diary. The aging warrior's eyes narrowed to slits as he read. "Dishonor," he declared as he lowered the page.

"So what do we do, father?" Raditsu asked. "Any action we take will be defined as treason."

"so what? King Vegeta is guilty of treason. If he succeeds in this plot, interstellar war will erupt, and civilization as we know it will end."


"Think about it. Freeza has made several allies, and if Vegeta takes his empire, those allies will attack him. In turn, Vegeta's allies will attack, starting a massive interstellar war - Ragnarok, if you will."

"I see," Raditsu said quietly.

"It is imperative that we stop this mad scheme at all costs, son. However, the army is loyal to Vegeta, and will follow his commands to the letter."

"Can we convince General Nappa that Vegeta is guilty of treason?"

"I think I can convince him," Bardock replied dubiously. "Are you certain that you can trust Broli?"

"He gave us the evidence, didn't he?"

"You're right," Raditsu's father said with a nod.

"So will you talk to Nappa?"

"Yes. You and Kakarotto will go talk to Kiwi and Zarbon. Tell them to keep it under wraps until we can meet with Broli in two days. Right?"


"Then go to it," Bardock said, rising to his feet and leaving the room.


General Nappa was by far the biggest man Bardock had ever seen. Standing well over seven feet in height, Nappa was built a lot like an ox, with broad shoulders and limbs as thick as tree trunks. He was completely bald save for a scruff of hair around his ears, a thick mustache, and a huge, squared-off beard. His armor was black, with golden shoulder straps, and when accompanied by a black jumpsuit, boots and a gold headband, the huge Nappa was truly a formidable sight. Bardock inwardly cringed every time the massive general approached.

At the moment, Nappa was sitting at his desk, drinking coffee. "General," Bardock said quietly.

Nappa straightened sharply, spilling a bit of coffee. "Don't scare me like that, old-timer!" the huge Saiyajin snapped. "My nerves aren't what they used to be..."

"Sorry," Bardock said shortly. "Take a look at this." He handed Nappa the paper.

"What is it?"

"A page of King Vegeta's diary."

"How'd you get this?"

"Don't ask."

Nappa's eyes slowly skimmed across the page, narrowing down to slits. "That backstabbing sonufabitch," he said coldly.

"My sentiments exactly."

"I take it you're planning to stop this outrage?"


"I don't think you can count on the army," Nappa said dismally. "They'll follow my orders, but they're fanatically loyal to Vegeta. If he orders them to attack, they'll do it."

"We need YOUR help, then," Bardock insisted. "You are an Elite - an army all by yourself."

"You got a point there, old-timer. I'll give ya a hand."

"Good," Bardock said with a nod. "My sons are informing the emissaries from Freeza of this plot. Let's join them."

"Right," Nappa nodded as he rose from his desk. Falling into step behind Nappa, Bardock followed his superior officer from the room.