Create a blank html document called say "catalog.html" and in the
<head></head>section place the following
<script LANGUAGE="JavaScript">"" ,"" ,"top=10,left=10,screeny=10,screenx=10,height=500,width=750,scrollbars=yes") </script>
Direct your link to webpac to this page instead of webclient.html.
In the <body> of catalog.html you can put the link <a href="catalog.html">Start Webpac</a> so if the user closes the second window they can click on this link, the page will reload and the second window will restart
Then just before the
<! *** The following section is generated by WebPAC. > in the webclient.html put the following link
<A HREF="javascript:self.close()">Exit Webpac</a>
This creates a link that when clicked will close the separate webpac window. Obviously you would want to remove the home button from webpac. The example does not have this link